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The best holidays ever

 Hi everyone! in this first post I`ll write about the ones who were my best holidays ever. 

In the summer of 2019, we get together with five friends in Puerto Montt, because from there we would start our journey across the archipelago of Chiloé. 

For three weeks we were walking around different islands, towns and locations, sleeping in a tent (two in fact) when we were in roads or fields, and knocking doors when we spent nights at civilized places. 

Chiloé is in general a very touristic place with some incredible and famous spots, but something that I learn in this trip is that the best places are those that are less known. My favorite was a path that we found in the road from Quellón to Yaldad, at the south of the big island, but definitely the most magical part of Chiloé are those islands where you only can arrive in a boat some few times a week, of these my favorite was Apiao. 

As I said, the group was composed by me and other five friends, and that was one of the complications in the journey, because every time that we want to get lodging, or we were hitchhiking, previously we had to split.

It was a trip with very good moments and also another very complicated moments, but definitely these are the best holidays ever. 



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