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Hi everyone! Here we are again with a new topic for the blog that this week is one of my favorite hobbies, of course, I’m talking about cooking. For ordering the text, I want to answer a few questions about it, that are:

1.      Why I like it?

2.      How I learned?

3.      When I cook?

4.      What I prefer to cook?

5.      Have I ever thought about study it?

So, starting with the first question I like it for so many reasons. Usually, I like all the activities where I can make something, it relaxes me, and there´s nothing better than made a tasty food hahaha. Also, I think that prepare a great meal is a fantastic way to get together with all kind of people and enjoy.

About how I learned, the thing is that actually all my family loves to cook, but the reality is that I learn alone. When I was younger and there was nobody at home, I start cooking for myself, and since then every time that I can, I search a new recipe or try a new idea. I’m pretty sure that the best way to learn how to cook, is cook.

The time is something that never surplusage in the university (especially since the pandemic) and that’s why every free time in lunch hours at home automatically mean cook something.

Actually, I don’t know if there is something that I prefer more than other things, but I definitely know what kind of food I avoid to cook and there are the pastries, because you always should follow a recipe and usually that means less creativity

Have some formal studies about the topic is something that I wish a lot because I’m really interested in knowing more, but always like a hobby, not a profession.

Thanks for read it and have a nice week😊

Cooking vector logotype by Vectorportal on DeviantArt


  1. hello Augustine, it is impressive how cooking can bring friends or family together.


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